Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sex and the City

I am not thinking of writing anything but since I already start...
I wrote a novel name Night and Sunshine. I already finish its chapter 1 but seems like the last minute that I wanted to change the whole plot. Something just hit me like a bullet in my head. I wanted to continue writing it and doesn't want to stop this novel form going on to its new and next chapter.

Ever watch Sex and the City?
I love this show. It was actually also a comedy thingy-like like Desperate Housewives. I love both of this show,they both were TV series. But Sex and the City have a movie ...Or 2 movies.

The movie focus on the same 4 people in Sex and the City but I think the main character is Carrie Bradshaw.
She is wonderful,in the TV. She is a writer,she writes.Of course, she writes.

There's nothing really I want to say but you have to watch them yourself. Nice show~

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