Friday, January 21, 2011

On The Road

I once wrote an unfinished novel call On The Road. I think of this title myself but that day when I went to the bookstore,I saw another book written by a author in the80's or 90's.

Maybe one day I might write an autobiography call On The Road like Miley Cyrus's Miles To Go
I heard a song call I'll Always Remember You.
There's one line I love very much:
But yesterday's gone,we've got to keep moving on, I'm so thankful; for the moments, so glad I've got to know you.

I think y'all know what it means,right...???

It is so meaning. Full of meaning.Full of Life.In fact,when I am writing this post,I am listening to it. It is sung by my idol-Miley Cyrus in Hannah Montana.

I also once wrote a song. No, in fact,it's tons of lyrics. but I just can't fix them all up into a 'song'. There's no melody,no music,no chords,no notes, none. I am so desperate.Then I started to look at one of the songs i wrote and started singing it. At last I got its melody right! I was so happy! That is the only song I had wrote until now! It is call:You Are The Star

There's the chorus:
You are the star,that lights up in the dark.You are the star that lights up my way through the just keep on glowing,and glowing.I'll always keep you in my heart(Just keep on glowing in the dark) You are the star.

I like it very much. In fact, I am getting some new inspiration lately!!!

Love you all~~!!!^^ xoxo

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