1.Ride a helicopter
2.Write my life story
3.Visit Vienna
4.Visit Australia
5.Build an orphanage
6.Go to a Miley Cyrus concert
7.Visit Mount Fuji
8.Buy a house in California and live in it
9.Write a book or a novel
10.Visit the Effel Tower
11.Visit Paris
12.Live in Australia
13.Visit Niagara Falls
14.Own a studio
15.Live in US
16.Visit Hawaii
17.Eat a pizza in Rome
18.Visit Germany
19.Visit Taj Mahal
20.Buy a car
21.Visit Finland
22.Buy an Ipod and Iphone
23.Visit every city in Europe
24.Learn Italian
25.Watch the sun rise
26.Ride on a rollercoaster
27.Learn to surf
28.Learn to swim
29.Own a tree house
30.Climb a moutain
31.Buy a camera
32.Write 30 songs
33.Read 500 books and list them down
34.Write a '1000 Best Movie' list
35.Kiss a dolphin and take a picture
36.Learn Spanish
37.Live in France
38.Visit Italy
39.Live in Italy
40.Donate money to the orphange and old folks home
42.Live in North Carolina
43.Visit Disneyland in USA
44.Visit the USA
45.Visit the Statue Of Liberty
46.Visit The White House
47.Make a snowman
48.Visit London
49.Watch the sun set
50.Visit Egypt
51.Send a message in a bottle
52.Attend a parade in US
54.Celebrate Christmas in US
55.Write a '1000 Best Books' list
56.Plant 10 trees
57.Ride in a hot air balloon
58.Throw a dinner party
59.Visit The Pisa Leaning Tower
60.Throw a slumber party
61.Sleep under the stars
62.Buy myself 12 clothes when visit to US,Italy and Australia
63.Read the whole Bible
64.Own all the books in my '1000 Best Books' list
65.Visit North Carolina-where The Last Song was shooted
66.Buy a house by the beach and live in it
67.Go for a cruise in US
68.Visit The Sdyney Opera House
69.Meet Oprah Winfrey
70.Visit New Zealand
71.Meet Rachael Ray
72.Go to a Emily Osment concert
74.Achieve 300 followers in my Blog
75.Achieve 500 followers in Twitter
76.Learn to play the drum
77.Study in USA
78.Go to a cinema in US and watch a movie
79.Meet Julia Roberts
80.Attend an award presentation such as The Teen Choice award
81.Visit Bahamas and Alantis
82.Eat a plate of Spaghetti in Italy
83.Speak Italian with a stranger in Italy
84.Ride a horse
85.Go for a cruise in Italy
86.Take my BFFs to the place they want to go
87.Go skydiving
88.Get married
89.Backpacked through Europe
90.Learn to play the piano
91.Grow a garden
92.Visit New York
93.Visit Las Vegas
94.Learn French
95.Visit Venice
96.Meet Miley Cyrus
97.Go to a film premiere
98.Write a will
99.Visit Japan with my best friend
100.Finish this list
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